01924 298365 Option 1 Outdoor Plants, Option 2 Floristry, Option 3 Pets & Aquatics, Option 4 Fruit & Veg, Option 5 Café, Option 6 Office,
Option 7 Bakery, Press 0 for general Enquires
Hampsons Plantworld
Stockist of cold water and tropical fish. With regular deliveries form our suppliers all over the world, and a wide range of fish tanks, aquariums, ponds, filters and the sundries to go with them.
Rabbits, Guinea Pigs, Hamsters,
Gerbils, Rats and Mice. Plus cages, treats, bedding, food and much more for your small animals needs.
We have Budgies, Finches & Canaries plus the cages and accessories to go with them.